Confinement lady or confinement tingkat? Which one is worth the price? What would u choose?

I was pondering on this lately too. For me, I have 2 kids and so, I have experience with my number 3. My helper is helping me with my newborn and kids so I m considering TingKat for dinner only. Lunch can be simple meal coz only just me and helper in pm when I give birth. The meals will cost me ard $850 for 28 days but confinement lady will cost around $3 to $4k a mth. Given the fact that, I will be waking up to care for my bb myself even with CL ard. I think I can do wo one.
Read moreI just gave birth last week, first time mom. We ordered confinement food thinking we can save some money. But we carved in after the first night home with baby. Baby kept crying, nothing works. We’re so worried and didn’t manage to sleep that night. Next morning, we search agencies for immediate nanny and found 1 that can start work within 2 hrs. We’re so happy since. The baby and myself are so well taken care of, she explains and guide everything. It’s so worth it.
Read moreAny experience with NB or any family member helping? If not, definitely CL. You can save money later. First two weeks odd was a beast coping with recovery pain and trying to recuperate for first time mum. After CL left, first few days was a torture with fussy baby (and lack of experience). I was glad that I had at least engaged CL help for the first month.
Read moreFirstly have you any external support, family friends or maybe your husband to provide support, if you do then i will go with Tingkat otherwise ill choose confinement lady. Id rather have someone i can entrust baby too.
if there is support and someone to look after the baby, maybe can order tingkat instead. if worry that you might need extra hands, confinement lady is a good option. however recovering is more important.
confinement tingkat cos you’ll never know if the confinement nanny is good. recently a lot are very demanding and many horror stories
Yes i have. Is it harder to take care of newborn w/o confinement lady during the first month especially if intend to bf?
anyone can recommend any confinement agency? I been doing research like PEM or confinement angels
Confinement nanny is a better choice
tingkat for me..