3 Replies

The highest subsidised ward is B2, 6-bedded. I opt for B2 and had to go for emergency c-sect. Had complication post-delivery and hospitalised for 6 days. My bill alone was $11k plus (before Govt subsidy of $7k plus). Balance payment my hospital insurance got it covered. My baby’s was $2k plus (fully deducted by Medisave). So I didn’t pay a single cent upon discharge or made any deposit whatsoever. I think it’s important that you have hospital insurance to cover for excess hospital bills that aren’t covered by Medisave.

Yes and depends on which ward .. A or B1 . I opt for A1 and I paid ard $2.8k for deposit upon admission . But when I delivered . I changed to B1 due to no bed available.

hi there, is this for natural labour or c sect?

VIP Member

which ward?

yea ward c no upfront

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