15 Replies

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My milk boosters were: Chicken Tinola (Filipino dish with chicken chunks, papaya, ginger and lots of malunggay/ moringa leaves), Mussels or any seashells in coconut milk, lactation cookies and lots of fruit juices and water! Then coffee, tea, dark chocolates and sodas were avoided. According to http://www.babycenter.com/404_are-there-any-foods-to-avoid-while-breastfeeding_8906.bc too much caffeine can interfere with your baby's sleep or make him fussy and I took that advice.

Mine is milo with cereal i believe..there was a week that i never drink that in the morning..my yield was not enough to meet the demand.I also constantly make sure to take more soupy lunch or dinner especially salmon soup. There was this channel 8 show that says potato leaves, barley, pig trotters helps. I tried n it works for me too but cant eat too much pig trotters coz fattening hahaha

I drink Dumex Mamil Mama Milk + Oatmeal/Milo as a milk booster. It taste great no matter is warm or ice cold. You can even make avocado milkshake out of it by just adding avocado + gula melaka / honey. No harm trying, you can requests sample from below link to try https://www.dumex.com.sg/products/Pages/Product-mamil-mama-precinutri.aspx Food to avoid - peppermint, liquor & coffee.

Nescafe, dates and orange juice are my milk boosters. I avoid seafood and dairy products because allergic history in the family to these two types of food (happened few times that my kids' allergy flare up after eating seafood)

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I found that durian, almonds, salmon, lots of water, soy bean milk, red date tea, and brewer's yeast in lactation cookies, boost my milk. Fermented durian (tempoyak, a malay food) is a super booster for me.

I take coconut oil capsules everyday.. Food wise i take alot of fish, oat milk, milo, lactation cookies from singapore lactation bakes and not forgetting, drinking lots of water..

VIP Member

Coffee & Tea lover but i stopped time being because of breastfeed. It contains Caffeine in it. Milk Booster: -Oats -Feenugreek Supplement -Papaya Fish Soup -Fresh Milk -Water

my booster is llaollao. just half a small cup and I'd be engorged within 20mins. oats milk, chia seed all that didnt help. ohh. potato leaves are good too

Milk boosters - overnight oats, milo and dates. Food that I avoid - cabbage and mint (heard that these are milk killers)

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