8 Replies

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I found out that salmon sashimi and Oats Plus milk significantly boosted my supply. It's awesome because they happen to be very tasty, so it's a win-win situation. I also make overnight oats in a jar for breakfast sometimes and it helps to boost my supply when I latch my baby and pump afterwards. Overnight Oats in a Jar 1. Pour rolled oats, chia seeds, yoghurt and oats milk into a jar. Top with a spoonful of Australian Milo if desired. Close the lid. 2. Place in fridge overnight. 3. Eat for breakfast! http://hurrythefoodup.com/how-to-make-overnight-oats-in-a-jar/

Examples of breast milk boosters are fish (specifically salmon for some mummies), oats (biscuits, milk or cereal), almond milk, green leafy vegetables, milo (australian recipe), barley and many others. Milk boosters are relative in nature meaning what worked for others may not work for you. You will have to experiment to find your own booster. Sadly for me I haven't found any milk booster yet. I maximise my yield with massages and a lot of kneading while pumping. If I'm desperate for milk supply then I'll do the power pump which is very effective for me.

Below are my methods to boost milk supply: 1) Latching whenever possible 2) Pump even after latching 3) Do power pumping 4) Ensure enough quality sleep 5) Eat milk boosting food/drinks (salmon, oats, fennel tea, milk for breastfeeding mother) I personally find dumex mamil mama quite good. Below link for sample in case you need it (http://www.dumex.com.sg/products/Pages/Product-mamil-mama-precinutri.aspx)

I dumex mamil milk as my milk booster, as it supply nutrients to my baby bump since pregnant. It's easy to get and convenient too, I drink twice a day, sometimes I add in milo powder or oatmeal for extra kick or drink it ice cool when weather is hot. Simple delicious. You can try it by requesting a sample from below link https://www.dumex.com.sg/products/Pages/Product-mamil-mama-precinutri.aspx

I love those lactation cookies and teas. But I would recommend just routine bf. If you bf round the clock and baby is thriving well then your supply is good and there is no point in looking for milk boosters. But there is no harm in eating foods that boosts milk production becauase they are good for your general health anyway.

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Milo (malt rich drink), nuts, fruits, any dish with malunggay.
