Can you please share me baby shower gift idea? I am going to baby shower next weekend.

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Ang baos or vouchers (preferably from Capitaland/Fairprice). It may not look like the most creative gift, but it's definitely the most practical and one that they will sincerely thank you for. Maybe you can couple it with cute bibs too?

I prefer ang bao .. More practical and parents can get to choose the gift they want. NTUC or capital vouchers will be good too. Can buy milk powder or diapers Otherwise can consider a baby spa voucher for them to try out

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-2832)

I would go with diapercakes (youtube how to make a simple one, efforr counts) or angbao Although, check with them if they have a baby shower register. That'll be super easy to just pick up what they want and go!

You can gift them set of toys or other baby stuff in a basket or somethings. I found this idea really adorable:-

The best gift I got was from baby's godfather - a $10 sgd fire monkey gold plated coin issued by the MAS. It's so unique and culturally relevant and will also increase in value as a collectors item. :)

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Found this one on pinterest and it seems very interactive and exciting--especially when you see the results of your guests' designs:

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I'd prefer to receive cash since its the most practical and I can get what I need. rather than receiving gift boxes with baby clothes that my baby can no longer wear....

I'd rather prefer giving cash gifts for baby shower because they may not like what we have bought, therefore if a cash gift is given, they can have their choice.

I think cash is the most practical shower gift for new parents. Otherwise, you can check with the parents what are their wishlist and you can start from there.