3 Replies

Normally quinoa is introduced at 8 months but some babies do tolerate it an earlier age. My favourite quinoa recipe is with bananas. It's basically cooked quinoa with mashed bananas and milk. Blend into a smooth purée. This website has advice on how to prepare quinoa and other recipes you can try. http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/quinoababyfoodrecipes.htm

Bake quinoa into muffin cups with egg and your choice of chopped veges. I have also made quinoa with tuna omelette mini pancakes before. These recipes are also a hit in my home http://www.myminimeals.com/super-veggie-quinoa-mini-muffins/ http://onehandedcooks.com.au/recipe/baby-toddler-finger-food-quinoa-chicken-brocolli-nuggets/#85gk5IZORAdJ1cxL.97

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