6 Replies

This is my bill from MT A. But it was last year. Realised they revised their charges again. You can refer to the updated link: https://www.mtalvernia.sg/maternity-packages/?gclid=Cj0KEQjw9tW5BRDk29KDnqWu4fMBEiQAKj7sp2xz984Bl9k_bHMC_XxpKUG9cZhRfNIDzOZ7S4v8SNwaAqgx8P8HAQ What i like about MT A is that they have very experienced midwives and nurses.

Hi how do you know you need an Assisted Delivery rather than Normal Delivery during labour????

Hi grace,I just delivered at mount A. My bill was abt 15k including Medisave deduction. Mine was supposed to be a normal delivery with epidural but I had emergency C sec. I was charged double. If you put the baby in the nursery during ur stay it also charged.

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Hi! I delivered at Mt.A 2 years ago... upon check, a deposit of 4k was required (I chose a private room) after medisave deduction, we forked out another 4k before we checked out.

Yes. It is before claims. Do check with your clinic on the comparison. They can advise better.

VIP Member

Thank you Emeris :) that will be before any claims ya?

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