4 Replies

I got induced for both pregnancies! #1 was induced because I was already 1 week overdued. I didn't take epidural because I was 18 then and I felt guilty so I didn't want to spend any more (epidural is extra cost) so I opted out. It was the one of the most painful 2.5 hours of my life. I remembered swearing and screaming because it hurt so much but once my daughter was out, I was too numb from the pain to feel any stitches. #2 was induced because my blood pressure had started to rise rapidly during the last week. Since I was married and had my own money (lol) I chose to take my epidural early. Nurses recommended me to take the epidural when pain threshold was 5/10. I took at 1/10. So it was basically a painless delivery for me. I even had time to nap. Once I felt something *down there* my son popped out about 15-20mins of pushing. Total time since induced was approx. 9 hours.

Hi, #2 Was induce, insert the pills @ 10am, 2pm broke my waterbag, by 3.45pm baby is out. #3 10pm insert first pill, 3am 3cm dilated, 5am, 4cm dilated, ultra pain @ 7am! 5cm dilated then suddenly after epidural it sped up! 9am was 9cm dilated alrd! 10am baby is out =)

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