sick and tired (literally too)

u can call me names or that i’m ungrateful but i’m really so tired. of breastfeeding of being stuck in a never ending routine of feeding, changing, trying to make baby sleep and repeat and repeat AND REPEAT while covered in sweat, puke and even pee. when will baby stop feeding every 2-3 hours? even when mixed feeding baby still demands feeding frequently. when will my nipples stop hurting like razor blades cutting into me? (FYI baby latches correctly but i’m just so sore still) and don’t tell me to “nap when baby naps”. easier said than done. baby takes up to 2hours to sleep after feed and then after washing bottles etc, it’s time to breastfeed again. i don’t even have time to pee let alone eat at times. and i do have help but some things nobody can help me. it goes on 24/7. i’m falling sick too. srsly anybody else feels this way like me??

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Hang in there! I feel you. I was in the same situation as you. It was tough taking care of my LO on my own during the day and some days, I will be so tired from night feeds, in pain from blocked ducts/sore nipples and depressed to even eat a proper meal. I sustained myself on cup noodles. My baby was thriving and I was wilting away. It did get better when she turned 4 months and could self soothe to sleep and sleep longer stretches. It may seem so tough but I kept telling myself that my baby depends on me and I need to be strong and positive. She growing well, her smiles and chuckles are my reward. The days are long but the years are short. It’s so true. I am dreading the day I need to go back to work when she turns 6 months and will be going to ifc. I wish I could be there for her everyday and not miss any “firsts” moments.

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