25 Replies

For financial you can get help from Social communities. For Hospital checkup and bills you can seek helps from social worker. Eventhough its kind of troublesome to produce document that need to support your application but take one step at a time. Having a child is a Blessing, Some married couple having a difficulty to have a child you are lucky enough to had one. Trust me, when the moment you deliver the newborn into this world you will be the first person to cry in tears when you sees your adorable baby face, because that's the best gift for a Mother. No matter how it goes, stay strong for yourself and your baby.

Please Google a picture of a 12-week fetus. Go ponder whether you want to let surgeons insert a small suction tube into your uterus and suck the living crap out of your fetus (which is very much alive but suddenly broken into pieces) because you sure as hell won’t be giving birth to it due to its size. You’ll still go through all the contractions before that so seriously girl, go ponder. We all know you’re scared but it will be worse afterwards if you decide to terminate your pregnancy. But don’t be too hard on yourself, we may all be against it but you’re the one facing your own problems.

Super Mum

Hi dear, I’m so sorry you’re in this difficult situation. I just wanted you to know that it is YOUR decision to make. Neither your family or your boyfriend has the power to force a decision on you. It is yours and yours alone. No matter what you choose to do, there will be challenges ahead, but know that it will all work out in the end. Coming from someone who was in a similar situation at a young age, I can empathize. Please let me know if you need someone to talk to.

When theres a will, theres a way. Your bf convinced u to have a child with him and he needs to step up and man up to his responsibility. Alot of mothers in here are against abortion and I am too. Why stop a little life that has done nothing wrong ? To have a child is a big decision and is never easy. Money can be earn anywhere , but to raise a child will need efforts. Both of u made that decision, so follow through it coz in the end, having a child is a blessing.

Super Mum

Hi there, irregardless of your young age, if you are looking for another solution, you can consider to send your baby for adoption. Dont be pressured by what your family say. Do what is best for your innocent child. Im sorry that you are going through this. Just an advice, if you and your partner is not ready to bring a child to this world, pls use protection or wait till you get married and can afford a child. Best of luck to you.

You can actually ask social worker to help you as your unborn baby is innocent and please dont abort it because i went through the abortion road before, it took me half of the year or 1 year to get over it and i even cry almost every single day it is really heartbreaking seeing my own unborn child to go through this because i have no choice at that time cause i am still studying in secondary school at the age of 18

VIP Member

Your baby is 12weeks already . Already have heart beat ? And you still have the heart to abort ? Do u have any pity towards the baby that ur carrying . The baby is innocent . And ready to be in the world anytime soon too. Please think twice . You guys conceive it . Then u want to abort . If u know ur not stable enough why conceive in the first place and in the end the baby who are in wrong or the both of u ??

Don’t be so judgmental please. The mommy is already feeling guilty and scared that’s why she’s here to ask for help. You’re not helping only making her feel worst.

I would advise give up for adoption. cause some people are trying their best to have babies of their own but due to condition they can't. so they are people out there who willing to take in the baby with open heart and give it a warm home and a better life. I hope u would talk to both families again. As its never easy to be pregnant. After 6 years of trying, I'm able to have mine.

I'm glad you've decided to put the child to adoption. I can see you're a strong woman seeing that you still want to keep the baby despite having no support. It will be tough to separate from your baby and I hope that you will be stronger when the time comes. Remember that it is your baby and you are the mother so the only decision maker is you. May god ease your delivery!

I will say it’s definitely not easy to make such decision. But just a few cents thoughts; my pregnancy doesn’t come easy after getting married. Miscarriage at 8 week after 2 years marriage, tried all sorts way to get pregnant and now another 2 years + am finally here. So there are a lot of couples whom want a little life but doesn’t come easy...

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