My boy is 8 months old, yet to call papa or mama, when does ur child does that?

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Dun worry .. usually b4 9 Mths they are not calling specifically even though they may be blabbering n making the sound which sounded like they are calling papa n mama. By right, only when u ask the baby who are u n baby can reply that u are papa/mama then is counted

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every child different progress. mine called papa first at 5 months old. then mama at 6 months old. i had been talking to her like an adult since i know her existence in my tummy. but like i said, every child is different. no sweat!

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8months old is still very, very ,very, very young. every kid develop and achieve milestones at different rate. some early, some later, but surely they will get there. I will say a safe gauge is Ard 14-15 months o wards

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my 9 mths also nothing.. they will call when time is right.. So no worries.. Every baby is different

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My son only said mama way later, like 16-17 months old - then again, he has speech delay 😅

My boy is 10months and nothing either. Don't worry , it will come naturally.

Mine oso 8mths old and not even calling any at all.

mine call pa and ma without meaning at 9mo