39 Các câu trả lời

Hi Dr. Lily, my son has asthma and I was wondering what can be done to improve his condition or prevent it from getting serious?

Hi, it's best for you to bring your son to a respiratory physician to examine his condition. Compared to adults, an asthmatic child may tolerate the symptoms better because they are active up to a point where they become really, really unwell. It's best to discuss with your doctor on his condition.

Hi dr, saya skarang masih breast feeding, okay tak ambil vaccination Covid-19? Kalau boleh, AZ, Pfizer, Sinovac semua pun okay?

Kalau BF buat masa ni, Pfizer dan AstraZeneca saja. Kalau Puan nak tahu, Puan boleh rujuk di sini ya? http://covid-19.moh.gov.my/vaksin-covid-19/panduan/panduan-vaksinasi-untuk-ibu-mengandung-dan-ibu-menyusukan-bayi

tak tahu lagi KLU boleh suami ikut time bersalin,KLU sebelum tiada covid,suami ikut tmpt bilik bersalin kan,tk tahu sekrng ni

Kena ikut hospital, Puan.. kalau di hospital kami pula, hanya kalau kedua-duanya negative COVID baru kita benarkan ikut masuk. Dan di sini kalau ada komplikasi, kebarangkaliannya suami tak dibenarkan ikut masuk untuk kurangkan risiko. Bukan risiko kepada Puan, suami dan anak sahaja, tetapi juga doktor dan kakitangan hospital yg terlibat. Puan kena ingat, selagi tak ambil vaksin, selagi tu risiko bagi ibu hamil sangat-sangat tinggi.

Since some hospitals do not allow spouses to accompany pregnant moms, how should i prepare myself emotionally and mentally?

Hi, it's best to discuss with your O&G and respective hospital on this matter. as for Pantai Hospital KL, we make sure that BOTH mummy and daddy get screened first before labour.

If mother develops immunity to Covid-19 before delivery, will the newborn be immune to Covid-19 too?

Hi mummy, sadly no... we have yet to receive any info on this matter. However, as we all know, babies are born naive to any form of immunity. Hence they are vaccinated from birth to fight against different types of diseases. If you sustain a COVID infection in the past, you still need to get vaccinated.

If I've previously been diagnosed and recovered from covid19 while pregnant, will this affect my pregnancy?

It's good that you have recovered from COVID19 during pregnancy. Hopefully things are well. It should not affect your pregnancy as we have no data that shows transmission of the virus from mother to baby in the womb. However in your case, although you have recovered from COVID19, I'd still recommend that you get vaccinated around 3 months after recovery as per MOH's guidelines.

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kesan vaksin terhadap ibu hamil dan apa yg ibu hamil perlu hadapi semasa proses kelahiran sewaktu pandemik?

Kalau ibu hamil, boleh ambil vaksin antara Minggu 14 danMinggu 33. Tak ada masalah. cumanya buat masa ni, Pfizer sahaja yang dibenarkan. Nasihat saya, ibu hamil lebih mudah dijangkiti penyakit, oleh itu Puan perlu jaga kesihatan sebaiknya. Dan bincang dengan pakar sakit puan tentang proses kelahiran semasa pandemik ya?

Doctor nk tnya jenis vaksin apa yg sesuai untuk ibu mengandung, sbb sy baca astra zeneca tidak disarankan.

Betul tu! Buat masa ini Pfizer sahaja yang dibenarkan. Puan boleh rujuk di sini: http://covid-19.moh.gov.my/vaksin-covid-19/panduan/panduan-vaksinasi-untuk-ibu-mengandung-dan-ibu-menyusukan-bayi

Doktor, saya masih menyusu anak 2tahun. kalau selepas vaksin nanti saya demam selamat ke nak menyusu anak?

Selamat untuk ibu menyusukan. Buat masa ni, tak ada lagi saya dengar complications yang pelik-pelik ke atas ibu atau bayi. So Puan register utk Vaksin ya? Yang penting, anak puan selamat.

Hi Dr, I am currently 4 months pregnant, what will happen to my baby should I become Covid positive?

If you are tested positive with COVID19, we will make sure that you get the best treatment for you and your baby. However, during pregnancy, I need to warn you that the mortality and complication rates are much higher and more severe compared to non-pregnant women. Therefore we encourage you to come for vaccination. At 4 months, it is safe.

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