Glucose water for newborn

Boleh bagi air glucose untuk newborn baby tak? Risau pasal news about cannot give water to baby. My mother keep insisting on giving... 😪

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tak boleh.. baby 6 bulan kebawah hanya perlu minum susu ibu sahaja. perut baby sgt kecik & keperluan tak sama dgn org dewasa. susu ibu juga cepat hadam sebab tu baby kerap minum susu. 1 lagi baby nangis bukan hanya lapar semata-mata, maybe you boleh cari bab jenis-jenis tangisan baby.

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better not sis! newborn baby only needs milk actually. memang dah banyak study saying it’s dangerous to give newborn babies water. don’t risk it 😰

please no. sis cari balik article from KKM pasal benda ni dan tunjuk dkt parents sis

X boleh sis. newborn hanya boleh tolerate susu shj..xkira la baby sis on bm @ fm

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cannot. only breastmilk for the first 6months. water can give only after 6months

2y trước

kalau dekat baby 6buln keatas blh Bg tak glucose?

nooooooo. not even drinking water. strictly breast feed/fm only pls

Please don’t.