3 Replies

Hi Cherrie, hope you are doing well. Depending on the frequency of biting and the direction of biting (front or back chewing), can make teeth crooked/crowded. High frequency of such activity can move the teeth to accommodate for the constant extra force. Other common examples are tongue thrusting and thumb sucking. Baby teeth usually do not affect the crowding of the adult unless there is tooth decay, infection or early/premature or delayed loss of the baby teeth. What happens is that the adult teeth have less available space to erupt, thus coming out crooked.

I have heard of mothers worried about their children getting crooked teeth from thumb sucking, but not so much toy biting. From what I've read online, it seemed like it is the vigorous sucking behaviour that may be a cause of concern. So, I guess biting on toys should not be as worrying. Still, you can check with the dentist if you are worried.

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