33 Các câu trả lời

How do I teach my children to treat Down Syndrome children equally?

Children with Down Syndrome are sociable and they interact just like any typical children. They will follow and model other children they play with. However, some of them may have delayed speech and do not have expressive language yet. Therefore, you can guide your child to communicate with the child with Down Syndrome by using signs or gestures. Any good manners and proper behaviour would be the best approach.

Lepas lahir memang terus boleh detect ya baby down sindrom?

Would treatment / programme for Down Syndrome children cost more?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder. Individual with Down Syndrome has an extra chromosome 21. There is no treatment for Down Syndrome except for treating the health conditions that they may have. However, to educate children with Down Syndrome, they can attend Early Intervention Programme similar to the programme provided by our KDSF-National Centre. We are a non-profit organization and we charge a nominal fee.

bagaimana mengesan anaknya sedang mengalami sindrom down?

Puan,untuk mengesan Sindrom Down ujian kromosom boleh dijalankan di hospital/pusat rawatan swasta.

Can a person with down syndrome have a normal baby?

Bagaimana KDSF tolong orang/kanak-kanak Sindrom Down?

KDSF menyediakan Program Intervensi Awal untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak Sindrom Down seawal usia 2 bulan-6 tahun. Antara program yang dijalankan di KDSF adalah Infant Stimulation Program (2 bulan-2 tahun), Toddler Program (2 tahun - 3tahun) & Special Education Program ( 4 tahun -6 tahun). Adalah menjadi misi kami agar kanak-kanak Sindrom Down ini akan dapat berdikari dan mencapai serta memperkembangkan potensi mereka melalui program intervensi awal ini. Untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan Program Intervensi Awal yang dijalankan di KDSF sila layari www.kdsf.org.my

VIP Member

syndrome down ni adakah disebabkn oleh keturunan?

terima ksih atas info y diberikan..

Does stress during pregnancy cause down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Stress will not cause Down Syndrome.

can down syndrome be avoided since pregnancy?

Aqila, scientists have yet to find out what is the exact cause of Down Syndrome. They also do not know of ways to prevent it. Research into the cause of Down Syndrome still continues.

VIP Member

macam mna mau tahu ank sindrom down ?

Puan, untuk mengesan Sindrom Down ujian kromosom boleh dijalankan di hospital/pusat rawatan swasta.

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