2 Replies

First time mom looking for hopeful testimonies about this condition. Had early SCH since my 5th week of pregnancy. Am in my 9th week now, and the clot hasn't reduced in size. Dr shared that risk decreases after week 20. However, I'm struggling with the helplessness daily. How did your pregnancy go?

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I had it when I was 7-8 weeks pregnant. By trimester 2, the bleeding completely stopped. Got induced on wk38+5 because of leaking water bag. Baby was born at 2.9

hi can I check with u did u bleed all the while when u are in 1st trimester?as im bleed for few days as doc say i got bleed near my uterus and it will go off on its own by 2nd trimester.But baby is ok when i got scan just now.any advice frm u?

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