Job woes. Will you stay or leave?

Been in my job for coming 5 years. I do mainly everything in this company. Throughout my employment, my boss / friend has the tendency to shout or scold when things doesn't go his way. When I decided not to endure his verbal abuse, I tendered my resignation. I've tried tendering 3 times the past years. Each time I do so, he will promised that he will change his working behavior then returns back to his old self. It happened again last week, but now I found out I'm pregnant should I leave or stay? What will you do? #jobs #pregnancy #Mom2be

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Jiayou! I was actually searching for new job opportunities when i found out that I was pregnant. I discussed with my hubby and he was supportive of me resigning if I cannot take the stress from my boss/work. But I told myself to tahan, take it easy and don’t let work stress affect me until my maternity leave as we need the money. I managed to tahan until 8 months and it is just a few more weeks of work left before I clear leave/deliver. I also plan to take ML about 2 weeks earlier to rest and prepare for motherhood (ftm)! I think ultimately, your mental health is more important than anything else (prolonged stress is not good for you and the baby). If you really cannot tahan the stress (you will definitely be more emotional as the pregnancy progresses and you become increasingly uncomfortable), then it is best if you tender and don’t think about the benefits you could receive.

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