1 Replies

This is not braxton hicks but more of a false contractions or early signs of labour. If there's no dilation, waterbag leaking, you can't be in labour yet eventhough there's mucus plug. That mucus plug you get is early signs of labour. If this is your first child, it will take pretty long for dilation to occur. Contractions will get very tense when you waterbag burst and cervix starts to dilate. So if you can still hang on, you do it. Otherwise go to A&E but, if this happened same like your previous visit, you will still ask to go home.

Yeah, usually if it is first child, dilation will take pretty long but it depends. My first child I was on 3cm dilate and I was given 1 week gap to see if I will get contractions and waterbag leaking but apparently not. I ended up with induce for first labour.

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