6 Replies

I went pedia yesterday and my LO is 4 mths and haven't poo for fourdays, She says its normal coz I breastfeeding her, so usually baby will keep till 7 days. But not sure if your LO is eating something or not. But she adviced me to send her back if no poop for more than 7 days. So you can visit to pedia just to be safe

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Even adults max is 3 days. No more than 3days. 7months old now no need to exclusive breastfeeding. Can feed more water and introduce fruits to baby to eat.

Hi , my baby also 1 week only 1-2 day will poop and when i bring the case to polyclinic, the doc said it is normal unless if 2 weeks haven’t poop.

Is your baby on breast milk or formula? If formula, not okay. Can see if baby’s stomach is bloated?

For exclusively brestfed baby it's OK. Otherwise your baby need to see the doctor I think.

For this best is to bring your baby to see a doctor

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