Scar removal advice needed

My baby was having red allergy patches which has now turned into white coloured scars. How do I remove the scars? Please help.

Scar removal advice needed
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Super Mom

I don't think these are scars, just new skin with lighter color that appears after the rash has healed. My girl had those too on her tummy. But the skin tone will even out pretty quickly so don't worry.

Super Mom

Could it be a fungal infection too? Bring baby to see a doctor?

Super Mom

I think it’s best to consult a professional on this

Super Mom

Looks like fungal infection, do comsult a pd

5y trước

When I saw the PD it was already white in Color

Thành viên VIP

Better to consult doc ..

Thành viên VIP

Pls consult skin doctor