Baby not pooping
My baby turning 4mth soon. Formula fed. He only poops 3-4 days once. Tried changing formula but nothing works. But baby is feeding well not cranky. Only thing that worries me he only poop every 3-4 days once. Help!

Hi there! It's totally normal for babies who are formula-fed to have different poop schedules compared to breastfed babies. It sounds like your baby is feeding well and not cranky, which are great signs that they're doing just fine. If your baby is not having any issues like discomfort or pain when pooping, then it might just be their normal pattern. However, if you're still concerned, here are some things you can try: 1. Tummy massage: Gently massaging your baby's tummy in a clockwise motion can help stimulate their digestive system and encourage bowel movements. 2. Warm bath: A warm bath can also help relax your baby's muscles and possibly stimulate a bowel movement. 3. Bicycle legs: Lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a cycling motion. This can help relieve any gas or constipation. 4. Talk to your pediatrician: If you're still worried about your baby's poop schedule, it's always best to consult your pediatrician. They can provide personalized advice and rule out any underlying issues. Remember, every baby is different, and as long as your baby is happy, feeding well, and gaining weight, they're likely doing just fine. Hang in there, mama! You're doing a great job.
Read moreI had this before someone on this app recommended yu Yee oil and when I applied a bit to her stomach and massage she really poop a few mins later. So now whenever she doesn’t poop I apply before bed and massage. Formula milk is like that, I also had a headache phase where she refuse to poop tried changing her milk. End up going back to the original milk she was okay. You may want to try BioGaia probiotic drops safe for 0+, good for their gut health a bit ex but yeah may help?
Read moreIs the poop normal looking and not dry and hard? If it looks normal then not to worry as its common during this stage. But if baby hasnt pooped in 5 days onwards, pls check w doctor.
may be the formula that is making him constipated. if he is feeding well then it shldnt be an issue.. do consult a PD if mommy is still worried. sometimes trust ur instinct is better