5 Replies

My baby also same as all the above. My doctor said it’s normal though. As long as it’s not merlion kind of vomit and for bowel movements he told me once every 2 days is ok. As for point 2) is it the teat too quick? Then baby need to catch a breath while drinking. Cos mine was and I changed to a slower teat and it’s better now.

hmmm i feel like there isn't really an issue here. baby's nasal passage is small hence most likely the breathing - but try to pace it out and have her drink in slow pace just so she could take a breather. spit-ups are normal but not vomitting. having to poop 2-3 times a week seems normal too as long as colour and texture are good.

quite normal, my baby also poop around 2 to 3 times when he is 1.5 to 2 mths old. He doesn't spit his milk but sometimes his breathing is like blocked so we took him to polyclinic and doctor says it's normal. even when my baby sleep at night, there is this hoarseness sound

suddenly my baby girl voice changed too ! I was so scared. but everything else is. normal for me

Sounds all are ok to me. My baby once went no poop for 5 days straight.

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