5 Replies

Nonsense! Bow leg is caused by lack of calcium / vit D - usually malnutrition - not cause of standing early. Baby is human not a prop - think ur friend was thinking of a too heavy top on wooden sticks? Baby will know their limits and will be exploring to try to move and strengthen their muscles and increase their reach with such movements. Just makes sure ur home is baby proof alrdy and danger free

To me, thats just a myth. Old tales. It all depends on the babies development. Some babies turn out fine as well with no bow legs. So dont worry too much, be proud of your little bub as he is growing faster then you expected :)

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As long as it's a natural development and not forced by adults, it's fine. Baby will know their own limit, so don't worry too much. There are many babies that don't crawl and go straight to walking :)

VIP Member

Some babies already walking by 8mo and they are fine.

she is very persistent and wants to walk. Thanks a lot!

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