How to know if baby’s theeting? How to soothe them to sleep?

Hi! My baby will turn 5 months in a week and I guess it’s possible that she’s theeting. She started to became fussy and seems like she wants to rub something in her mouth while crying. She used to fell asleep quite fast while drinking milk at night but she’s quite different today.

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Super Mom

Hi Mommy, yes she is probably teething. When my boy was teething, he use to drool quite abit and will bite on anything. His fingers and sometimes try to put his fist in lol. I use to get baby teethers and let him bite into it. Also make sure you sanitize everything. If he runs a fever cold compress ur baby or give ur baby paracetemol or ibuprofen. Here are more tips Rub your baby's gums. Use a clean finger or wet gauze to rub your baby's gums. ... Keep it cool. A cold spoon or chilled not frozen teething ring can be soothing on a baby's gums. ... Try an over-the-counter remedy preferably the ones that does not contain lidocaine or benzocaine.

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4y trước


Super Mom

Hey Darla, babies usually get their first tooth around 6 months so you could be right that she is teething. It may take awhile for baby and you to handle this phase. She may appreciate a cold teething toy or maybe cold watermelon to help ease her pain.. sleeping may be a challenge now , maybe try a chilled pacifier?

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