3 Replies

If your baby is exclusively breastfed, then it is not unusual for her not to poop everyday. This is because breast milk has the perfect nutritional balance for your baby and therefore there's very little waste produced from it. Also if your baby is going through a growth spurt, she could be absorbing pretty much all the breast milk, leaving even less waste than before. You should worry if your baby shows signs of discomfort, seems fussy, or starts feeding less. Also when your daughter does pass stool to check the diaper to see if the stool is hard or bloody. If she shows any of these signs, and/or has not pooped for a week, then you need to see the doctor.

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If your baby is exclusively on breastmilk, it is normal for her to not poo for a few days. In some cases it may even go up to 2 weeks. But if your baby appears to be uncomfortable or in pain, it could be some kind of digestive issue. I swear by 如意油 (ru yi oil) and find it very effective for my kids. Put 1 drop in your palm and rub your palms together. Then rub your palms over baby's tummy. You can do this several times a day. One other way to help baby move her bowels is also to hold baby legs up with knees bent and do a cycling motion.

I guess your baby is feeling uncomfortable due to a bloated stomach. Perhaps you want to try doing some massage to help expel the wind and give lots of TLC.