3 Replies

I baught it at 1st trimester. It helps me a lot throughout my pregnancy. Now I’m GA 35+ wk, still need to check my baby’s heart sound anytime I feel less movement and anxious. Before 24 wks, you must find it very low near your groin. If you cannot find it, wait a while then do it later or use more ultrasound gel. It’s not that easy when the baby is very small.

ok thank I will try again

Nope, didn't buy. I feel like I would compulsively keep trying to listen for my baby's heartbeat and give myself undue stress if I can't locate it. You should be able to feel your baby's movements in a few weeks, and monitoring the movements then is sufficient.

as I wonder how baby heart beat like when listening to it

You may want to refer to this post: https://community.theasianparent.com/q/im-first-time-mom-currently-4-months-preggy-im-enjoying-journey-but-i-get-to/5498384?d=mobile&ct=q&share=true

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