5 Replies

Hi Isn't it good that he has weaned on his own and you did not have to go through the weaning process! He is 8 months and he has had your milk for 6 months which is what is most important. So now if he is not breastfeeding it is fine. Feed him whatever he likes. You can now shift him to normal milk with the advice of the paediatrician. Feed him fruits, veggies, soups, juice, panel, minced nicely cooked chicken, etc. Make sure all the food is nicely cooked and mashed to avoid any choking hazard.

these changes are mainly because of the teething phase, as your baby will be quite uncomfortable, hence refuse to feed or eat. also, some babies feed for longer but some stop early. for instance, my first one didnt stop even till age 2, while the younger one stopped herself completely by the time she was 10 months old. if your baby's doc says its fine then i am sure it is alright. unless your baby is losing weight or is lethargic, i dont think you need to worry.

Ashima, be prepared for a lot of other changes like these as your baby is gradually growing up and would not be dependent on you. Also remember that your baby would change his preferences, likes and dislikes every couple of months, so don't be worried about it and don't consult the doctor for every small thing. Be confident as a mother and trust your instincts. No one knows what's best for your baby than you.

yes most of these changes are due to teething, as your baby will be in discomfort and pain. make sure to regularly massage your baby's gums. also, your baby's taste preferences will keep changing at a rapid pace now, so try to get variations in the foods that you give.

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