5 Replies

Follow up with her PD. My boy had digestive problem so always colicky so he’s a crying baby. His PD suggested changing bottles and give probiotics supplement and it helps. My boy is also very sticky and wants to be carried n rock to sleep till about 12mths.

You can share it with her PD if you are concern. I think all babies have their own preference. My baby who is 5.5 mths old. Also rock to sleep during the day time. Hmm, have u tried to give her pacifier?

Super Mum

yes, just check with your pd. my girl was colicky and she kept crying for the first few months as well. Did you try giving pacifier to your child?

yes why not should go get it checked, may have underlying health problem or discomfort that she’s experiencing. likely not mental problem.

I don’t think is mental problem . Think is more uncomfortable. Go for a check

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