3 Replies

Congrats on ur LO's milestone. She is certainly a fast learner. At this age, she is probably v excited as she has learnt new tricks (flip, lift and move). She is at exploratory stage which is good. However, do be mindful that she should not be on her tummy time for too long (more than 10 mins) as she is using her arms' strength to support her body which can be tiring. I will suggest for you to monitor her as if she is overly tired on her arms, she will lose the balance and face flatten on ground. This can be dangerous as she might suffocate.

She "crawls on the spot". Yes, I was just concerned about her physiological aspect of her body. Good to know that tummy time shouldn't exceed 10mins! Thanks for the info. I try not to take my eyes off her at all, even face up as she moves quite a lot. It's pretty tiring to watch her all the time

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It's ok to continue tummy time so long as there is always people with her. As she just learn to lift her head, just b very careful. Keep yr eyes on her.