1 Replies

I've had tt problem since baby was born. My baby doesn't even want to fall asleep in the carrier or by rocking/patting. The only time he cld sleep on his own is in the car otherwise I need to latch him. Having a hard time now too as I'm preparing to go bck to work, just luckily it's WFH now. But somehow recently, he's getting to sleep on his own more often, typically when we stretch his play time, let him roll around and crawl till he's tired. He's 5.5 months btw. Sometimes, I left him in the cot and he'll cry hard for 10 mins and fall asleep. Indeed a heart pain to hear him cry but no choice, as I need to train him to sleep on his own since patting or rocking don't work at all.

Thank you!! 🥰

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