4 Replies

saw that is post is 2 years ago. I am having the exact same issue. how long does this last? my baby is going 3 months and recently she is like that also. so difficult to feed her when she is awake. she will be crying non stop

VIP Member

Me.... i tried changing bottle and formula.. my LO prefer latching..from 2 month onwards suddenly no bottle.. now 6.5 month..still dream feeding most of the time..

Try nan.. my lo ok with nan..

my son will be 6 months soon and he is experiencing exactly the same thing. He does not like milk and cries when we give him the bottle

Super Mum

Could choking of the milk be caused by the bottle teats? Maybe the flow is too fast for the baby

I am using Piegon M size teat since she was 3 mths old till now.. previously was ok...

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