2 Replies

It sounds like you are going through a challenging time with your newborn baby's feeding and routine. Here are some suggestions that might help: 1. **Dealing with Reflux:** Since your baby seems to be dealing with reflux and vomiting frequently after feeding, you may want to consult with your pediatrician to discuss potential solutions. In the meantime, you can try feeding smaller amounts more frequently to see if it helps reduce the reflux. Keeping your baby upright for a bit longer after feeding can also help. Make sure to burp your baby gently but thoroughly to minimize air intake during feeds. 2. **Adjusting Wake Windows:** It is normal for babies with reflux to have shorter wake windows due to the discomfort they may experience. Try to make the most of the time when your baby is awake by engaging in gentle activities that don't involve a lot of movement or bouncing. You can also try to incorporate playtime during diaper changes or when your baby is lying on their back. 3. **Pacifier Use:** Using a pacifier for soothing is common, especially with babies experiencing reflux. You can offer the pacifier when your baby is fussy and needs comforting. It's okay to use it for naps and sleep times, but you may want to gradually reduce dependency on it as your baby grows. If the pacifier falls out after your baby falls asleep, you can leave it out. As for weaning off by 6 months, it's a good goal to aim for. 4. **Spotting Hunger Cues:** Watch for signs like rooting, sucking on hands, or turning towards the breast when trying to determine hunger cues. If your baby is sucking on the pacifier during sleep, you can observe their sucking pattern to differentiate between nutritive (active, rhythmic sucking) and non-nutritive (more relaxed, occasional sucking) sucking. If your baby is hungry, they might suck more vigorously and may wake up looking for a feed. It's essential to trust your instincts as a parent and seek support from healthcare professionals if needed. Hang in there, and remember that every baby is unique, so finding what works best for your little one may take some trial and error. https://invl.io/cll6she



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