8 Replies

It was hard to latch baby at the start for me. Not sure if it’d work for you but I used to turn on white noise when getting baby to latch. After few days I replaced white noise with shushing. It’s not scientific just trial and error for me!

Keep trying k. What may help can be fernugreek, lactation food, loads of rest n warm fluids, n let baby suck on breasts even if low supply. Baby's saliva will let your body know to generate more supply.

What is this system? I also have low supply thus give formula, bb is 3rd month soon.

Lactation cookie helped me boost tiny bit..20ml..

What worked for me was green papaya fish soup! Give that a try!

VIP Member

Pump after latch and also make sure you have enough sleep.


Try to eat food that will boost milk supply. It helps!


My supply was also very low... topped up with formula

Super Mum

If really cannot latch, go with formula milk.

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