3 Replies

Wake your baby up every 3 hours to feed your baby. Your baby needs to eat,pee and poo in order to get the jaundice level to go down. Do not sun tan your baby coz baby skin is delicate and you are just exposing baby to uv and harming your delicate skin. If really no choice,ask dr if possible to do phototherapy first and monitor instead of ultrasound liver.

Hi mummy. My baby has jaundice too since birth and lasted for about 2 weeks. Jaundice level was higher than yours at 250. What i did was to frequently feed her every 2 hrs both FM & BM. Even if baby asleep i will wake her up for feed. Baby needs to poop alot as the bilirubin comes out from the poop for the level to go down.

Try to ‘sun tan’ as much as possible for the baby. I have same issue as you. But jaindice level drop alot after 1 week. On FM all the way.

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