7 Replies

Sound like option 1 is a better arrangement. 1) You get to access to computer anytime. 2) If mom is helping out with baby then is more convenient. Can even leave the cot in her room. 3) Everyone has their privacy. 4) Can consider those bed frame that comes with storage below. Or bunk bed for maid. Baby in living room arrangement is usually for day time care so anyone can just help out. Maybe consider cot with wheels so can push around?

Super Mum

I have similar arrangement as well, I think it makes sense to have the helper in the same room as storage room as long as the storage is neat and doesn't take much space. During the day when helper doesn't need to use the room much you can make use of it for other purposes too like put baby playground & toys. Once your baby is a bit older they will need more and more space for stuff 😅

I would go for option 1 :)

I would go for option 1

Option 1 sounds good.

Option 1 is good.

prefer opt 1

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