5 Replies

Hi there, firstly if baby is not drinking anymore then don't give it to baby anymore. No matter fm or bm, u have to finish it within the hour otherwise the contents are spoiling the longer u drag. Just feed baby a smaller feed more often. Some babies are small drinkers . Let them dink what they want, if they are hungry they will cry for the milk. Pls don't force, u will only force all the way growing up and what the point of having unhappy feeding time so many times a day? It is absolutely normal that babies want to look around. They will soon want to sit up and look around. Then are u going to force again? U can coax a few times but if don't want then don't want already. Babies are humans, sometimes they like to drink more sometimes they like to drink less. If 120 is not working out then just make 90 or 60. If u want, u can try and see if changing to a medium flow teat works out. Sometimes it could be a teat issue and this u will only know. If u try it. But if still the same, then it is not a teat issue then. Talk to the baby when feeding. Shake the teat or move the mouth a little.

Can try changing teat because the teat might be too slow for her but must monitor to see the new teat is suitable for her anot. She may not be able to cope with the new flow. Anyway, as baby grow older, they are able to hear and see more and they get curious with the surrounding. Like my baby, he always look around or push the bottle away etc when he drinks milk. So I usually walk and feed him. Like bring him around the house to see different things or change location etc. sometimes I take a break and talk to him etc then continue feeding.

Firstly baby is only 2 months old. Give her a break and not label her. They are so clueless. Its normal for baby to fidget and move about. Yiu can try going to a quiet room to do your feeds, is the teat the right size? Also, could she be having a stuffy nose? Lastly are you breastfeeding or formula?

Feed on demand n teach ur LO to hold the bottle n self feed herself
