So baby cry is normal..any mummies who hire helper to take care of LO is now 6 wenever LO cries helper will rush to him in my presence and insist she carry him as if LO cry is looking for her. Omg is this normal of helper or do I have to talk to her?

My helper is also like that chiong to my son. She can drop off everything including halfway cooking just to run to my son even when I'm at home. We engaged her coz im preg with 2nd one and I cant cope with a running baby... so i told her strictly no carrying all the time, when me and hub around, dont interfere... coz got one time she said my son wants him and I snap... i rather she do housework when all of us at home then sitting around beside my son trying to play with him.. Have to set ground rules like no entering of our room when we are in room with my son.. we also tried not to bring helper out when we are out be it a walk or run some errands.
Read moreIn my case , I bond with the baby more than helper.