Help! Is It Normal For Newborn To Feed So Often!

My baby coming to one month old feeds more than 10x a day as she only drinks about 60ml each time. At certain times she can feed every hour and take in only 30-60ml each feed. She is bottle fed ebm and formula btw. We have tried to give her more milk per session but she just won't finish it as she usually falls asleep after about 60ml or so. Totally clueless how to make her drink more so can decrease the number of feeds. My confinement nanny is leaving tmr and I will be taking care of her on my own. Wondering how I can manage the feeds and still have the time to pump. Feeling so stressed out now. ?

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We will tap mildy on the bottle base during feed, rub her cheeks or inner thighs to wake our baby up if she fall asleep during feeds. The Dr at the polyclinic will inform us if our intake per feed is too much or too little. My little one is 1 month and 4 days old and we are giving her 100ml per feed every 4 to 5 hours. Dr says its fine so long she is peeing and her stools color is normal.

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