my toddler is 20months old now. he says car, mama, papa, mamam for food and nenen for milk. he also says 'go' if he wants to go out for a walk. but he cant put a sentence together yet. mostly he suka membebel je. give it time, but do talk to them more and they will learn.
teruskan cuba ajar, anak sy 2y4m now, sedang ikut speech therapy baru lepas test ENT,alhamdullilah semua normal.lepas ni appt dgn speech doc.harap semuanya bukan kerana masalah kesihatan, sbb mslh ni juga jadi punca anak² jd mcm tu.klu boleh minta cepatkan utk rujuk ke pakar.
dont worry moms . my little brother can speak at age 3+ . now dia asyik membebel je sampai pening dengn pertanyaan dia 😅
anak kamu masa 18bulan sdh pandai menerima arahan ka sis?