My baby 6mth kept on vomiting due to coughing. I'm feeling so drained now. Whenever after I fed him he vomits. I'm so upset. I try my very best and try so hard to feed him and yet he keeps vomiting making me so stressed up. And hubby kept saying I'm making things worst by adding stress to the whole thing. I'm just feeling that no one understands how I feel. He's not the one feeding him. He's not the one seeing baby coughing and vomiting whatever I've fed.him. I'm so tired mentally. I jus want to cry

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thanks mummies. yes baby having fever since Tuesday...lost weight cus even though he drank he vomited. he's not veey receptive to bottles when we r latching. feel so heartbroken. when will he get well? he goes to school and school is very susceptible to getting such virus. does tt mean tt whenever he cough he vomit? if so that's v bad cus he confirm keep coughing since he's in school...:(

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7y trước

have you tried introducing vitamins into his diet? yes going to childcare will be much easily prone to sickness and viruses. Hang in there mummy. My younger son been coughing for almost a month too.

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Is your baby sick? It's normal for them to cough till they vomit. If it happens very frequently, do bring him to see a doctor, maybe he require a nebulizer to help open his airways so he would feel and breathe better. Hang on there mummy. Its not easy

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Hey Sweetie, it's okay to be stressed and mentally drained. The reason why they vomit is because of the phlegm due to the cough. You should give baby diluted milk. Hang in there!