Baby barely able to sleep

My baby is 6 weeks old. Is it normal that he doesn’t sleep much? Roughly he sleeps for only 5-6 hour daily. Usually after breastfeed him, i try to burp him but failed sometimes so i let him sleep. But once i put him down, baby terus terjaga. Maybe tak selesa tapi tu lah bula kita dah try burp dia macam2 cara tapi taknak burp, end up muak & dia pun jadi segar. Is there any other way to make him burp / comfortable? Kesian baby tak cukup tidur asyik menguap tapi tak boleh tidur. #firstbaby

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Viết phản hồi

cuba susukan baby dengan keadaan puan duduk. maybe baring tue yg buat dia lambat nak burp n x selesa. Lepas dia burp tepuk2 punggung dia sambil selawat n zikir.Innshaa allah

4y trước

ooh mmg ambil masa mcm baby saya. tapi lama2 burp jgak