baby is 5-months old! what brand of infant cereal should I start with? I wanna start my first solid introduction to her this weekend. what should I buy? *excited!*
I would suggest to start with natural Pureed or strained fruits/ vegetables like mashed bananas, pears, peaches, avocado...
I give her friso cereal.. actually u can get some sample pack from them to try on first b4 buying the whole tin
Some of the popular cereals that many mums get from iherb. Can get snacks like puffs and melt for babies too.
Hi... you might find this article informative
Start weaning with natural puréed food as well on top of cereals Cereals can try nestle or Friso
Bought happy times cereal but we fed for a couple of weeks and moved on to puree
We have brown rice cereal. But only start after she's 6 Months old
Healthy times organic cereal (available off the shelf from NTUC)
You can try friso cereal
Cerelac rice cereal.
Leader of 2 pumpkins