Breast milk

My baby is 11 days old and she is refusing to latch on my breast. Will my milk production decrease if she doesn’t latch ? As far as I notice I have been only pumping about 30-40ml per session.

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Hi there! Congratulations on your new baby! It's completely normal to have concerns about breastfeeding, especially in the early days. It can be frustrating when your baby is refusing to latch, but please don't worry - this is a common issue that many mothers face. Firstly, it's important to understand that your milk production is directly linked to how often and how effectively your baby is feeding, whether that's through latching or pumping. If your baby is not latching, it can lead to a decrease in milk production over time. However, there are steps you can take to help maintain and even increase your milk supply. One solution is to continue pumping regularly, ideally every 2-3 hours, to stimulate your milk production. Make sure you're using a good quality breast pump and creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself while pumping. You can also try different breastfeeding positions and techniques to encourage your baby to latch, such as skin-to-skin contact and offering the breast when your baby is in a calm and alert state. It's also worth seeking support from a lactation consultant or a breastfeeding specialist who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation. They can offer tips on improving latching, troubleshooting any potential issues, and ensuring that your baby is getting enough milk. Remember, it's okay to seek help and support during this time. Breastfeeding can be challenging, but with patience and perseverance, many mothers are able to overcome difficulties and establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their baby. You're doing a great job, and I hope these suggestions help you on your breastfeeding journey. Good luck!

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Continue to take your prenatal vitamins even after birth, throughout your breastfeeding journey too. It helps to nourish your body and provide sufficient nutrients. I am pumping roughly 60ml with my 3 days old son. He doesn’t latch on me at every feeding. I do breast pumping, latching and formula feed all 3 as my son is a serious milk monster. My milk supply isn’t enough hence the added formula on top of it. Take lactation supplements that works for you and eat lots of food that help boost milk supply too. I am taking Mama’s Choice Almond milk powder for lactation and I can say it has help with my supply.

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If she doesn’t latch, you’ll have to pump regularly (regardless the amount) to keep up with milk production otherwise the supply will definitely dip. My supply only went up after 1.5m of pumping. Drink more water~

10mo trước

Sure thank you for helping out. As I was feeling quite upset that my baby didn’t want to latch and my milk production was not much.

Coba pakai produk ini bun , semoga bisa mengatasi permasalahan yang bunda alami. Produknya sudah sesuai anjuran IDAI dan FDA, 100% aman 5239224

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