Exclusive Pumping

Hi dear mummies, hope you can help me with two questions: 1) will exclusive pumping reduce breast milk if you do not direct latch? 2) my child will cry terribly whenever he direct latch as the milk supply is low, is there any way i can latch him better? He will only wake up when he is hungry for milk and I couldn’t tease him to be awake to latch. 3) he drinks bottle fed formula milk + my 40ml express breastmilk at different feeding intervals.. is it ok if he drinks two hourly sometimes instead of three hours? He seems hungry very fast. He is four days only, thank you!

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1) will exclusive pumping reduce breast milk if you do not direct latch? No 2) my child will cry terribly whenever he direct latch as the milk supply is low, is there any way i can latch him better? He will only wake up when he is hungry for milk and I couldn’t tease him to be awake to latch. Then continue pumping more regularly to increase and latch baby when u are “full” on breast milk 3) he drinks bottle fed formula milk + my 40ml express breastmilk at different feeding intervals.. is it ok if he drinks two hourly sometimes instead of three hours? He seems hungry very fast. Yes feed on demand Try It’s not easy and it’s a lot of hard work But hang in there

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Super Mom

Exclusive pumping should be able to help you keep up the supply as long as you do it regularly. Yes, babies get angry when they’re hungry and your milk supply isn’t a lot yet, so topping up with formula may help to keep baby full and less angry. But if you’re planning to continue latching on, I would encourage you to keep letting baby latch and suck after you give some formula, because the sucking will help bring in the milk supply. And yes, at this age, feed on demand. My baby sometimes feeds every 30min-1 hour when she’s cluster feeding. Don’t wait till 3 hrs.

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My lo also 4 days old today. He has been crying every 1-2 hours asking for milk and my breast is engorged and painful. Tried to pump but only 10-20ml from both sides. Now still figuring out what to do 😭😭😭

6y trước

Massage clear your breast so milk can flow smoothly I believe its a process before the supply kick in.

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I will prefer LO drink more than worrying abt supply. I pumping then let her drink from bottle cos she dun latch well

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My supply only come in on the 5th day. Basically you just need to latch Lo longer. Eventually the supply will come in just nice for them or even more. If you want to have more milk after latching pump. First month usually is 2 hour 1 feed.

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I was exclusive pumping for my first child as my LO don’t latch and probably I did not really done my part. The amount is lesser and I only managed to pump till 9mo. If direct latch, I heard mommy can bf till 2yo. You may feed him 2 hourly, it’s fine. :) Hope this helps

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