11 Replies
Hi mommies, I've always been wondering whether or not I'd clean DS's tongue. But as I've read, EBF babies do not necessarily need to be cleaned in their tongues because the breastmilk itself acts as a cleanser, as it has anti-bodies that promote good flora in the mouth. Additionally, I've read that by putting a foreign body (i.g. gauze, rubber cleaner) into his mouth, I'm making him more susceptible to bacteria since we can't precisely see how clean our "tongue cleaner" is. Anyways, thank you for your recommendation. I might be starting to clean his tongue next time, especially when he starts to take solids. ☺️
Cleaning the tongue can help improve taste perception and contribute to the overall cleanliness of a baby’s month. It can also help reduce bad breath and minimize the chances of infections. Most of my friends simply use a gauze (wrapped around the finger), moisten in warm water, and gently rub over the surface of the tongue. They started when their babies are young and even before they started on solids. So I think you can start any time. :)
When my baby is still young, I used dental wipes for baby such as the brand 'ToothTissue" or Spiffies. 'ToothTissue" is N.P.A. certified, natural, fluoride-free, paraben-free, and contain xylitol. It is recommended that we can clean baby using dental wipes even before the teething to help teeth grow healthily. When baby is older, I use pigeon steps brush (3 steps). Make the brushing a fun activity by singing song.
I started cleaning when he was a few days old till now. To me, i feel that it's ok to clean. This is for hygiene purpose. I don't clean very hard but using cloth to wipw the top part. Although breastfeeding, there will still be traces of milk. Cleaning is ro keep the mouth clean.
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i use soft handkerchief to clean baby's tongue from day 3 onwards. its to clean away the milk stain on the tongue. best to make a habit then slowly change to baby finger toothbrush at about 8mth old.
i have been cleaning baby's mouth since day one, otherwise there will be alot of milk stain on his tongue.
i clean my lo's tongue when he's 5 days old....use a cloth wrapped around index finger and clean.
I started cleaning from 1 week after birth utptil now. child is 5 months
I started cleaning from 2days old. you can start cleaning.
Shan Ari