
Assalamualaikum hai mommy2 semua, brapa bulan dah boleh bagi baby makan?

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Kenapa ada yg jwb tak munasabah ye? I tk google pon bila start bg makan etc, im more towards pregnancy topic and deliver baby. So when i got my first baby, i knew nothing (with no parents to teach). Tak nak jawab boleh ignore sistur sistur sekalian

6 bulan sis..jgnlah bg bby mkn awal tau...walaupn tgk bby mcm lapar sgt,walaupn ats desakan org tua..perut baby xmatang lg..kesian baby..nnti kot sembelit,sakit perut ke kn...

6 bulan 1 hari sbb Nurse ckp Ada baby yg lahir ptng OR mlm jd lbh baik lbh sehari br bg mkn ...

Agak slama ni x penah amek tau ke hal baby?msti da tau mngada nk tnye lg

5y trước

Pity for you, beradab sikit please. This is my first baby and memang tak tahu pasal ni. For me the question is good and no harm for you to answer that question. Boleh mengharap google but kita just nak tahu based on people’s real experience not going through articles and only read read and read.

Waalaikumusalam.. baby 6bulan keatas da bole mkn

5y trước


6 bulan please..

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6 bulan keatas

6 bulan

6 bulan
