Asking subsidized mummies.. any of you goes for your first appointment on after 4mths pregnancy? How do you cope with the pregnancy without any obgyn consultation?

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I didnt go for my appointments as well as it was my secind pregnancy. I did the usuals purchased folic acid and took them every morning, maintained a healthy diet. You can be entitled for full subsidy once they have assessed your financial status. I started going for my appoints for the scans, glucose test etc, and when i was going to deliver. Did not care much about going to the doctors.

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8y trước

Thanks for your response! that's great to know. I kinda feel a hassle and very unnecessary. as we spend half the day at the clinic waiting, most times in the doctor's room for 5 mins or less. and this is going to be my 4th child. having to drag all of them since all are below 5yo, it will be a party in the doctor's room. my last pregnancy, I skipped all the normal appt. I only went when there was a scan or blood test schedule or test results. as long as I had sufficient supply of folic acid/

At the end of the day, it is abt how u feel. Some mothers no matter how many kids they have feel more assured to know that the baby in utero is ok. For that peace of mind, it might be useful to go for appmts monthly. For some mothers, they are more confident hence skipping a few sessions won’t hurt. Go with ur heart.

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i think it depends on ur health and the health of the preganncy. as long as u got ur supplements, heartbeat ok, position ok, then just go for the tests and scans that u have to go for. its ur 4th so i think u should know what to look out for

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