12 Các câu trả lời

Most women will resume normal periods after having a baby. If your period is “normal,” it occurs every 21 to 35 days. Bleeding lasts from 2-7 days. For women who are not breastfeeding, there are three things that are likely to happen with the menstrual period — periods return to normal, periods get worse or periods get better. You likely won’t have a period while you’re breastfeeding, at least not for a few months.

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3mos after ko manganak Ng CS dinatnan na ako agad mumsh😊 after nun Wala Naman kmi contraceptive Hindi kami nkakabuo ulit almost 4yrs nabfeed ako sa first ko, ngayon 7 yrs old na xa nakabuo na ulit kami😊

ako dinatnan ako ng mens. nung 3months na ang 2nd baby ko eh sa 1st baby ko nman dinatnan ako mga 6 months nun.

1st baby ko, after 1 month meron na. etong 2nd baby ko 2months na siya d p ko dinatnan

nagmens agad aq wla pa 1month kht fully breastfeed 😅

3 or 4 months si baby, breastfed ko siya.

45 days nagmens na ko.

After a month lang ☺

Ako sis after 2 months

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