Aside from salabat, what are other home remedies for sore throat?

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My grandma used to tell me to just gargle diluted vinegar in lukewarm water and add a bit of salt in it. Not sure if it's just a folk remedy but it somehow works for me. Probably, the vinegar cleans the throat as it has anti-bacterial properties. However, I don't know what purpose the salt serves.

Whenever I have sorethroat, I will squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add 1 tablespoon of honey with hot water and drink every 3 hours. It works for me all the time and I recover in 2-3days. However, for baby less than 1 year old, you should not feed honey.

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hello Janine! they said marshmallows help with sore throat. haven't tried it myself but I will soon!

Hi Janine! You can try Honey & Lemon with warm water. Very soothing and natural. :) Get well soon!