8 Replies

There are many Ayurvedic recommendations for getting a good night sleep. Ayurveda is a lifestyle, not a pill or a potion and it’s never a one fit all solution. Causes of poor sleep are classified as either vata or pitta in nature. Vata poor sleep is characterized by, light, fitful sleep habits - often waking up sporadically throughout the night; whereas, pitta poor sleep is characterized by difficulty falling asleep - a mind that will not stop. In both cases, however evening abhyanga (self massage) using the Sleep Easy formula made by Banyan Botanicals, as well as, melatonin a 1/2 an hour before bedtime, a sleep mask, plus lavender essential oil in an aromatherapy diffuser, are all recommended for either -or- any sleep condition.

Screw oils and stuff, just get some physical activity and fresh air in every day and you'll sleep like a baby! I've recently started hiking and learning to ride a horse(living in Texas, thinking about doing some cowboy stuff even, bought myself a pair of corral boots from https://gritroutdoors.com/corral/ even :D )

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Essential oils of rose, lavender and sandalwood are relaxing and calming and can help promote rejuvenating sleep. You can purchase essential oils from https://www.youngliving.com/en_SG

Use herbal oils to massages on your feet improves your sleep.
